Wednesday, 10 August 2011


The common problem faced by many small & mid-sized companies is inability to become big due to a major internal reason i.e. absence of quality manpower. When the promoters/management tries to hire new or better people they come across difficulties which are similar to all companies in the same strata. These are their weak brand, inability to pay better than their peers and inability to retain existing or newly acquired talent. They are often told by their HR that their existing quality of people is bad because of their low compensation structure in comparison to their larger competition. They in their desperation to correct the anomaly keep on increasing the compensation structures for their existing employees hoping to have corrected the disparity. This is where the FAT MONKEY is born.
The Fat monkey (FM) is a typical seemingly loyal employee who keeps on getting a pay hike without any visible or tangible contribution. This person is professionally outdated, unprofessional outdated and psychologically insecure.

The key ingredients required to make fat monkey are absence of systems & technology in an organization leading to processes which are driven by human beings.
To give an example if the key processes to make a hamburger were not systemized we would not have had a Mc Donald Burger.
Large corporations have simple internal systems of email documentation of all interactions of their employees with daily reports and forms. These processes are more prevalent in service industry such as banking.

To give another example-
A simple technology of CRM for customer behavior in a hotel or a restaurant. In absence of it the key employees become very important to the owners. Imagine if this employee refuses to upgrade himself to the changing customer requirements and the management can’t throw him out what would happen to the business.
Another major factor in creation of the FM is inability of the management to update themselves on the real market scenario and their excessive reliance on their own people to get market intelligence.

To put it in bullet points the birth of the fat monkey is due to -
  •  Absence of systems & processes,
  •  Inadequate use of technology, and
  •  Managements introverted ness.

You cant throw him out,
You cant get better people,
You downsize yourself 
to his capabilities.

The above statement summarizes the mental state a small or midsized business is in. There can be a number of examples of this boutique owner who has resigned himself to be a small or niche player despite his own internal views on his capabilities.

The first important step is to come to the realization that your business is in the grip of the FAT MONKEY SYNDROME. It is not easy for owners, promoters or management to come to this realization as it requires them to objectively and dispassionately look at each key employee and every critical process in their business.
The driving force to undertake such an activity would only be to create a world class business. Often the best way would be to showcase the existing business to prospective investors and learn of the internal gaps & risks from their views. This would be more effective than hiring a consultant. And free.

So assuming the Fat Monkey(s) is identified the next step could be any of the following three choices-

  •  Create a parallel organization,
  •  Kill the first and create a new organization, or
  •  Confront the fat monkey.  

    The new organization must be supported by proper systems and processes with up to date technology. The new technologies must be tested and new employees should be hired and trained on it. The process of migration to the new setup is fraught with danger as it may require the new employee to confront the fat monkey (remember this is a very insecure animal and may go to any extreme to survive).

    This is generally what happens when plan one fails. In management jargon it is called downsizing to grow. Typically when a small company forces a new technology the fat monkey becomes uncomfortable and leaves. The process of his leaving is often violent and leads to short term downsizing of the business.

    Such attrition should be taken as a blessing and used to put all the required 
    Technologies and processes in place.  

    If you think you will succeed then please do it.


    The Fat Monkey Syndrome is an output of an imperfect management. Therefore the key would be a professional approach to business, processes and personnel.


    Friday, 5 August 2011

    The Fat Monkey Syndrome

    This is just a teaser to all management students who have read the famous statement
    "throw peanuts & get monkeys" .
    I have been thinking on a common problem of all small & mid sized companies on
    how to become big and am  confronted with this statement on quality of manpower they currently possess.
    The promoters/management of all these companies are reminded of this statement on quality of their employees and their inability to acquire better talent.
    This becomes the common excuse and also the rut these companies fall into.

    I have christened it as " THE FAT MONKEY SYNDROME"

    This is the teaser of my next post on my BLOG

    Wednesday, 20 July 2011

    The Journey....A Short Story

    There is a good feeling in me.. of happiness, excitement, I dont know…… but it is a nice feeling that something good is happening. I have some vague memory of having done this before but it was long time back. As I started I kept on becoming more and more positive……..for I knew the journey is long but finally it has began after all. A cozy journey with people I knew. A little bit of fun, a little bit of bumps but nearing my objective. Then a whirl wind of small small steps and I finally reach the starting point of my journey.

    stood at the entry gate with a few friends who started with me and looked up……it seemed like an impossible task, however, there was no option but to go on. I had a firm resolution in my mind….I will not take any help, I will reach my target and accomplish my mission I had set out for myself. Can I do it? I asked myself! Yes…..if I follow the following rules: -
           -  Take one step at a time
           -  Concentrate on each step
           -  Focus on the immediate target
           -  Don’t focus on others
           -  Never look up beyond your height
           -  Control your body and mind
    With these rules firmly entrenched in my mind I took the first step.

    So the journey has begun. My body is healthy and fit and I am feeling youthful. I start taking the steps. All the people who started with me are still around. Some are moving very fast, some talking & gossiping while I with my mouth shut, focusing on each breath and each step… head level. Whenever I looked up I loose heart…it’s a long way and seems impossible that I can reach the top. Then I think in regret that I have broken the rule and again decide never look up beyond my eye level. My friends run, laugh, joke and soon I’m alone amongst a world of strangers on the path. I don’t blame my friends for I’ve become very boring because of my rules I have set for myself.

    There were milestones which indicated how much of the journey I have completed like a birthday staring at you telling you how little of your life has passed…..after all it is just the beginning. At each mile stone I looked around me and see all that I have accomplished…..after all….the journey is to be enjoyed. The small breaks also give me energy to reach the next mile stone.
    I don’t know what my friends are doing, for they have chosen their own way of going through this journey……I hope they are enjoying themselves. As I reach near half way I realize that I am all alone. For I had decided to take a longer break midway through the journey. I wanted to enjoy with all my friends for we had started this journey together. I wanted to share every thing I went through to reach this point. I wanted to listen to their experiences. I wanted to take the balance journey with friends and not with strangers.
    Just as I was nearing Mid Way….tired and expectantly hopeful and with anxiety as to the big break I will take at midway. I saw a friend searching for me…..he was sent by other friends to look for me all of whom had all already reached mid way except one and were waiting for me. Apparently they also wanted to spend this break together.  Soon we were all together. We all spent a long time together happily reminiscing the journey till now. We looked around and saw all what we have accomplished. We were at a height which looked a very difficult target when we have started.
    We were all healthy and looked fit….however, physical reserves were lesser than what they were at the beginning of the journey. All of us had one question in our mind… to accomplish the full journey and what lies beyond for we were told that the journey is worth it. I hope we were all wiser now….we wanted to enjoy rest of the journey together and reach our targets.
    We all started out together with some shared resolutions…..we will be near each other and look after each other for the rest of the journey. As before I reminded myself of the rules I set out before and I started taking the same small steps with my eyes straight neither looking up and nor looking down. I would stop more often enjoying the path…..   I needed the breaks as my reserves were getting lower. At each milestone I had mixed emotions of so much having accomplished but so little left. My steps were getting smaller and I was moving very slowly. 
    Again all my friends disappeared from my vision.  I should have chosen my friends better.  People who I could trust for the whole journey. People like me. But it was too late. I just can’t befriend strangers now. 
    The one of my friends appeared. He like me was also taking the steps slowly and looked physically strained like me. We decided to walk together.
      Now it was too late.  I was making lesser mistakes, breaking the rules fewer times than before as I had become a lot more wiser.
    At points I would stop totally drained physically and then I would see people who were worse then me moving along the path. Resolute I would move on. As I neared the end my body had almost left me and I was moving only on my sheer, mental strength and faith.
    The last part of the journey was toughest. My only one friend besides me……. we would look at each other and even with a smile knew what was in our minds. We would encourage each other to move on. That wordless understanding helped us reach the target. At this stage of the journey our mind was dull with pain and it was only faith which gave us the courage to complete the journey.
    We saw it last…… a white palace in clouds…..Yes this is what it was last time also… is the same place I had envisioned. We moved on and as we approached near saw growing crowds of people. We were reunited with all our friends and waited to enter what was to be heaven.
    There was a long queue with people waiting to enter. However, we were the chosen ones and reached the gate without having to wait in those long queues.  The gate was in front of us and only my friend who was with me till the end and I were called in. All my other friends had to go back and wait.
    As we entered we were made to sit near a door. A family, the father, mother, Son and daughter were make to sit next to us. Then lot of other people who were in the queue were made to sit in the rest of the space. We were at the height of anxiety and did not know what was happening and what lay in store for us. Then the chanting started, the mantras the music and soon we were happily lost in it.
    Suddenly six of us i.e. the family of four, my friend and me were taken to the entry and were told to wait there. It was freezing cold, the floor was wet, we were numb but did not feel the pain as we were full of faith that we are the chosen ones. After the short time which seems like eternity we were finally asked to go in. We were standing right in front of…………………..
    This is a small story on the journey of the author to MAA VAISHNOO DEVI.